Allyson Brainson is a Vice President and Small Business Relationship Manager with The Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod. Contact Allyson at 508.568.1205 or [email protected].
Business owners – regardless of how big or small the business may be – face a seemingly endless stream of decision making. The Coop’s business clients are no exception, particularly during a busy summer with a multitude of issues to address – labor shortages, supply chain glitches and how to keep pace with rapidly changing technology. It’s no wonder we often hear business owners say, “there just isn’t enough time in the day to get everything on my plate done.”
As a community bank, one of the most important things we do is support our business clients in their success and growth. And that goes far beyond typical financial products such as checking accounts.
Our latest endeavor to support the business community is a partnership with Clover, a point-of-sale system at its core, but one that offers so much more. Its flexible, intuitive, all-in-one system addresses many of the challenges we’re hearing from businesses.
For starters, it’s not one size fits all. Every industry and business needs solutions custom fit for them. Maybe you need a handheld POS for curbside pick-ups or for you wait staff to take payments right at the table. Maybe you’re a landscaper who wants to collect payments on the job site. Or you’re an accountant who works from home and invoices clients electronically. Maybe you’re a large-scale retailer who needs a full-scale POS system with multiple registers. We start by doing a deep dive into our client’s business to tailor fit a system right for them.
It’s also flexible. Business needs ebb and flow along the way. As your business grows and consumer behavior changes, your needs will change. The system is designed to be flexible enough to change with you…easily.
Clover also helps a business keep up with the constantly evolving digital payment methods like Apple pay, Google pay and Samsung pay, along with traditional credit cards. And its portable units can work with Wi-Fi or LTE, so you can take payment from your customers wherever they may be.
It’s more than a POS system, though, and that’s what gives it a real edge. It’s a full-scale, business management solution that can tackle everything from inventory management, employee schedules and payroll to maintaining a waitlist and scheduling clients. The system is complemented with 500 apps designed to meet the unique needs of restaurants, retailers and service businesses. So, essentially it can fulfill roles like bookkeeper, receptionist, accountant, scheduler and inventory manager, to name a few. Clover can take a lot off a business owner’s “to do” list.
To learn more about The Coop-Clover partnership, please visit mycapecodbank.com/clover for additional information and two dedicated episodes of the Business sCOOP video series.
Clover is just one example of the type of products and services The Coop offers business clients. If your relationship with your bank is purely transactional, you’re missing out on a wealth of resources at your disposal. Your banker, especially your community banker, is invested in your success and growth. If you haven’t talked to them lately, now is a great time to start a conversation. You might be surprised how much they have to offer.
Allyson Brainson is a Vice President and Small Business Relationship Manager with The Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod. Contact Allyson at 508.568.1205 or [email protected].